Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Buttday -AhPao-

To my dearest mei mei..
Happy 21st birthday!!!
Oh gosh..can't believe that u are 21 already..

U are such a BIG GIRL d...
But u are still a lil girl in my eyes..

Today is ur special special away ur worries about ur assignments..ur tests..and celebrate this very special day...
So..since it's ur big day....
i shall write a lil about how special u are to me..
actually i have a special post dedicated to u in my blog d..
but..since everyone is writing here..i shall not 'chap shuee' la..

You are special to me coz...
1. You are my roommate
2. We both are CPP
3. You are my church mate
4. You are my sand bag
5. You are my bolster
6. You teach me about blogging and how to install new cool stuff
7. You teach me how to earn money thru blogging
8. You keep me young
9. You keep me updated with all the cute lil boys...wakakkaka
10. You are my maid
11. You are sometimes my che che too
12. You are my travelling partner
13. You are my makan partner
14. You are my shopping mate

And most are my NO. 1 MEI MEI!!!!
(I only have one anyway..)

So..head on now to for more..
(oh..i can so see that my traffic will increase babeh!!!)

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